
on Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One of the Filipino traditional games which is usually played by around 5 to 10 persons. It's name, tumbang-preso, was often misinterpreted by some people who heard it for the first time. It is because they knew that "preso"  means a prisoner and the former, "tumbang" (root word 'tumba'), means to knock down. People who hear it for the first time will probably think it is a physical game between two people aiming to knock down each other.

To play the game, you have to have a can and slipper(individual). Rocks can also be used but nowadays, people prefer using slippers in hitting the can. The game starts with "maiba taya" to choose who will be the one guarding the can. This is done with one hand of each player placed on top of one another (all facing down) and simultaneously held high and then back down facing up or down. Whoever's hand position is different from the rest of the players will be the one to guard the can. Others will be the one hitting it.

Kids,nowadays, who are active still plays this game. Even adults play it too, reminiscing their memeories of their childhood. I have played this game hundreds of times since I was a kid. Sometimes at the middle of the game there are some players bullying the guard of the can who almost, in the entire game, he/she is the one guarding it. They are teasing that person and at the end of the game they'll be singing: "buro, kamatis sawsaw patis". But at the end of the day, after that bullying moments, kids still wants to befriend with each other. That is one of  the good things about being a child. Forgiving is easy.


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